Timeline of Events
When you’ve been around for more than 170 years, you see a thing or two. Follow along the timeline below to see some of the most pivotal events in Marcus Paint’s storied history.
Use your “Tab” key to advance through the events and see how both our company and the world have changed.
The Family Arrives
Herman and Christine Marcus arrived in the US from Germany. They had four boys and four girls.

Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution gave birth to factories across the United States in the mid 1800's. This made possible the ability to mix and distribute paints. However, transportation methods for heavier products such as paint were limited and expensive, resulting in more localized markets such as Louisville.

H. Marcus Paint Company Opens
H. Marcus Paint Company opened at 243 East Market St. in Louisville, Kentucky and catered to the German Community.

March to Civil War
Tensions continue to grow in the United States and Abraham Lincoln prepares to re-enter politics.

Providing Customers Ingredients
If you needed paint in the old days, you went to the paint store and purchased the components and mixed it yourself. These things might have been linseed oil, white lead paste, or drier.

First Kentucky Derby
The first Kentucky Derby is run at Churchill Downs. Aristides wins with African-American jockey, Oliver Lewis.

Louisville's Largest Selection of Glass
The business is proclaimed to have the city's largest selection of glass.

Newsboys' Strike of 1899
A youth-led campaign is organized by the nation's newsboys in an attempt to force the newspapers to provide fairer compensation.

A Simpler Time in Transportation
The business was able to provide refinishing needs that supported early modes of transportation.

Women's Suffrage Movement
Women march for suffrage on the streets of New York City.

Edw. H. Marcus Company Incorporated by Herman's son, Edward.

Model T Milestone
The ten millionth Ford Model T is produced in 1924 and is promptly driven from coast to coast.

An Unusual Trip to the Bank
Herman "Bud" Marcus drove his car into the lobby of Liberty Bank at 2nd & Market and drove right up to the teller.

Animal Crackers Released
The Marx Brothers release their film Animal Crackers to widespread critical acclaim.

Louisa Marcus Becomes President
Louisa became President, after her husband Edward passed away. She was likely the first female President in the coatings industry.

Jazz Increases in Popularity
Jazz continues to become one of the most popular forms of entertainment, with clubs in cities like New York becoming hot spots for nights on the town.

Began Manufacturing Paint
A few renovations and equipment purchases later, we make our own product which the customer uses from a single container as opposed to blending the components themselves. In addition to manufacturing our own paint, we also represented many paint related sundry products (3M, Binks and Sunstrand to name a few), as well as produced private label products.

The Dust Bowl
In one of the most devastating natural catastrophes in United States history, the Dust Bowl sweeps across the country.

An Established Brand
The first real tagline "Peak of Quality" was established.

War of the Worlds
Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" creates a panic as many listeners believe the broadcast to be a real warning of alien invasion.

The Decorating Center
Two decorating centers were opened in the Hikes Point and Dixie Highway areas.

British Invasion
The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show, jump starting a wave of popular British bands in America.

Third Generation Running the Business
After Louisa's retirement, Calvin Sr. and Herman "Bud" ran the business.

Popular Magazines Published
Both New York Magazine and Rolling Stone begin publishing, sparking a growing trend of special-interest magazines.

Expanding the Business
Opening a branch warehouse eventually becomes a second production facility. This not only provides more capacity but offers our customers the comfort of a backup should one facility or the other have a catastrophe.

Moon Landing
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of the Apollo 11 mission, oversee the Eagle lunar module landing on the moon on July 20, 1969.

Louisville Pioneers
Recognized by the city as having contributed to its success.

26th Amendment Passes
The voting age in the United States is officially lowered to 18, after the 26th Amendment is passed.

Move to Industrial Coatings
The Company completed the phase out of trade sales and maintenance coatings to commit resources to the development and production of water reducible coatings. Both locations increase their capacity, and the first member of 5th generation, Terri Marcus, begins employment.

Three Mile Island Accident
A partial reactor meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station becomes the most significant accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history.

Regulations Lead to Change
This year saw the deadline for EPA regulation of VOCs and HAPs. This had a big impact on the customer base and offered Marcus Paint a lot of opportunities in finding new business. This was due to most coatings being used in the marketplace needing to be either modified or replaced.

Thriller Released
Michael Jackson releases Thriller, which goes on to sell more than 25 million copies and becomes the best selling album of all time.

Opening in Bluegrass Park
Performance Powders, LLC opens in Bluegrass Park.

Internet Explorer
Microsoft introduces Internet Explorer, a significant step in the so-called "browser wars."

Innovative Solutions Brand
A brand update is introduced, with an emphasis on "Innovative Solutions since 1853" and a blue swirl design.

Human Genome Project
Scientists are able to successfully sequence about 99% of the human genome, completing the Human Genome Project.

The Fifth Generation
Terri Marcus and Steve Marcus both members of the 5th generation and cousins, were voted into the offices of President and Vice President respectively, by the Board of Directors.

YouTube Created
The popular video sharing website “YouTube” was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim during February of 2005. Today billions of videos are uploaded and watched by millions of users of the website.

Preparing for the Future
We invested heavily in the business; renovations providing both administrative and lab office space, and purchase of the latest in new R&D testing equipment. Complete replacement of all servers, desktops and laptops and an upgrade to a world-class ERP and CRM systems. In addition, we chose to implement EOS, a business management system and invest in highly qualified personnel.

Another Triple Crown
American Pharoah becomes the 12th Triple Crown winner in the history of horse racing.

A New Brand for the Future
Marcus Paint unveils new brand for a new decade, committed to "Protecting What's Important."

168 Years in Business
And still going strong!
170 Years and looking forward to the next 170 years
As a family-owned business for six generations, we know the value of relationships, respect, and trust. To us, you’re more than a customer and more than a partner. You’re part of the Marcus family.

170 Years - Levi Strauss & Co.
1853 - Levi Strauss & Co. Is Founded in San Francisco, CA
After working with his brothers in their dry goods wholesale business in New York City, Levi Strauss emigrates to Gold Rush San Francisco. He opens his own dry goods business to serve the small general stores of the American West.